50 Days Of Dragon Con 2024 (Day 4) – I Got Questions


Jon and Leigh are back in the studio to record another episode of 50 Days of Dragon Con. In this episode they are covering some of the questions that have been asked over on the Dragon Con Newbies Facebook page.

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The Transcript (such as it is): Transcript

  1. Sarah Rose says

    Hey Jon & Leigh!!
    Its hot here in Iowa too!!Today is a real feel with humidity of 105! I hope you feel better soon Leigh. I haven’t been doing great either lately either. Its in the air.
    I hope the theater group can get on the podcast this year but I understand if things prevent it. (I sent you all an email a while back).
    Just fyi the apple podcasts isn’t notifying about your podcast – but I’m getting other podcast notifications. I do see it in the podcast app itself though…. might still be my crazy phone though.

  2. Sarah Rose says


    21:10 Saturday during the parade – not Sunday.

    41:11 The Hilton tried to ban people carrying in their own alcohol during con hours in 2022. It didn’t go over well (People refused to go into the hotel and buy their stuff) and as far as I’m aware it wasn’t enforced in 2023. If you had it in your room already though they would not stop you from consuming it in your room.

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