50 Days Of DragonCon 2012 (Day 21) – Damien: Comics and Popular Arts Academic Mini-Conference – The Unique Geek


Less than 30 days to go and the excitement is building.

Today, Jon and Leigh are joined by Damien (@Wolven), to discuss the academic mini-con inside of a con that he is involved with.

We discuss the types of guests and thinkers he helps round up to serve as panelists. We also talk about his experiences at DragonCon and why it is a can’t miss every year (as if we would).

You can also find Wolven over at NeedCoffee.com

If you are a veteran of D*C and would like to be on the podcast to share your experiences – drop us an email at: 50days [at] theuniquegeek [dot] com.

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The cast members in this issue can also be found here:

Jon – Twitter

Leigh – TwitterNeed Coffee

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