50 Days Of Dragon*Con 2011 (Day 3) – Serv’s Dragon*Con Facts – The Unique Geek

“The convention is fast approaching and we wanted to make it a special point to get the word out about a policy change that is new for 2011.As part of our roll out of the new registration system we are changing our badge transfer policy. Badge transfers are a very labor intensive operation and we need those resources working on the new system. Our priority is speeding the registration process for everyone and to do that we decided we will be ending membership transfers 30 days before the convention.
Wednesday, August 3rd is the LAST day we will transfer memberships. Please plan accordingly.”
Ok, so there are 2 significant issues that are presented here, one for everyone and one for just a few select members who will attend.
For all of us there is the good news that a new registration system is being put in place! Hooray!
As most all attendees found out last year, the lines (queues for you Brits…) to get your badge made Soviet era bread lines seem like merry joyous times. I have friends who got in line on Thursday and were stuck in the line for HOURS and then told that they would not get to the front before closing time and it was suggested that they come back at around 6AM the next day. The fact that there were not riots speaks volumes about what a good group of attendees we are, collectively.
This year there are bar codes that are on your pre-reg postcards and this is being promised as a streamline for badge pick up (Editor Note: Listen to the Regina podcast [day 1] for more info on pickup process). I appreciate the powers that be at Dragon*Con for recognizing an area in need of improvement and taking action.
The second issue for a select few, specifically those who may be buying a friends badge who won’t be attending this year.
You have to arrange for badge transfer by AUGUST 3, 2011. DO NOT DELAY. GET THIS DONE.
In the past you have been able to get this done up to the day of the con (I believe) but there won’t be resources to do that this year. So, if you plan on buying your buddy’s badge since they can’t attend, get that stuff done quick!You don’t want to miss us, do you?
Be sure to check back often for more info regarding Dragon*Con and our countdown to the con!